About Harmony Point Acupuncture
Hi, my name is Gudrun Jackson - licensed acupuncturist and owner of Harmony Point Acupuncture. I would like to share with you my philosophy as a practitioner and what you can expect as a patient.
I'm dedicated to providing high-quality acupuncture treatments based on the principles of Five Element Acupuncture. This holistic approach to health and wellness focuses on the inter-connectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. I believe that true healing can only occur when balance is restored within all aspects of being. With personalized treatments, compassionate care, and commitment to your well-being, I focus on guiding patients on their journey towards optimal health.
Each treatment is focused on correcting imbalances in the energy flow of Qi. This approach awakens the energy in your body that already knows exactly what it needs to re-balance and heal. Generally, there are three steps towards achieving health and vitality.
1. Relief Care
Most patients begin acupuncture treatments for relief from pain, discomfort or other symptoms. Treatments focus on helping patients feel better faster and each visit builds on previous ones. Relief care usually requires a course of treatments with a minimum of weekly or bi-weekly visits for a month or two. Often the lifestyle and quality of a person's Qi (life energy) can influence the frequency of treatments.
2. Corrective Care
This is the next phase in the treatment regimen. After a patient finds relief from pain or symptoms, it will be important to continue strengthening and supporting the body in its healing journey. Visits are less frequently scheduled at bi-weekly or monthly intervals. Stopping treatments at this point could disrupt the progress made so far or cause a relapse in symptoms.
3. Maintenance & Wellness Care
Many of my patients choose to return for monthly visits because they feel recharged and renewed after an acupuncture session. This level of care preserves all the progress you achieved with treatments so far. Some refer to this level of care as preventive maintenance or tune-ups. Just like your car's engine needs regular oil changes and tune-ups to run smoothly, regular acupuncture treatments can help you feel healthy and more balanced.
The decisions you make regarding your medical care is entirely yours. Whether you choose a 100% natural route or choose to combine acupuncture services with conventional medicine, my goal remains the same. I will support you and help you make the most of your chosen path to greater wellness.
I will always treat you fairly and with respect. And, I will always do my best to help you in every way with your wellness goals and needs.
Your initial consultation is free, so call me at (740) 677-9872 to discuss if acupuncture is right for you.