Did you know your ears can reveal a lot about your health? In Chinese Medicine, the ear is seen as a micro system of the body, with over 200 acupuncture points on the external ear. Ear acupuncture stimulates these points to promote healing in other parts of the body.
Ear acupuncture can treat many conditions. Studies show it helps with anxiety, headaches, insomnia, PTSD, stress, weight loss, and more. One popular treatment is the NADA protocol, which helps with addiction and reduces cravings for alcohol, drugs, or nicotine. It also decreases anxiety, improves sleep, and brings a sense of inner peace, like meditation!
Ear seeds are another method to stimulate ear points. At Harmony Point Acupuncture, we use seeds from the vaccaria plant, but there are also gold, silver, and Swarovski crystal seeds. Celebrities like Penelope Cruz, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kendall Jenner love them! Ear seeds are non-invasive, held in place by medical tape, and stimulate points for various health issues.
The ear offers valuable medical insights into the health of the whole person. For example, the Frank’s sign, a specific diagonal crease in the ear lobe can indicate cardiovascular or heart problems. Pore-like depressions in the Concha (center of ear, see image) can suggest emotional turmoil, tendency to worry a lot, or heart palpitations.
Another example are prominent blood vessels that indicate pain and trauma, e.g. abdominal pain may present with a protrusion around the helix cruz (see image), and a prominent vein or redness here could indicate IBD, like Crohn's disease.
At Harmony Point Acupuncture, we use ear acupuncture to enhance whole body treatments, especially for areas too painful to needle directly. We also sell ear seed kits which come with all you need to give yourself a treatment at home or on the go.
Whether you want a whole body or ear acupuncture treatment, call 740-677-9872 to find out which one is right for you!