What is Moxibustion?

Published on 18 February 2024 at 16:50

As an acupuncture practitioner, I prefer using a heat therapy called Moxibustion as part of your treatment. With this technique, a heat source is brought close to, or placed on acupuncture points to stimulate the immune system for therapeutic effect. Specifically, it involves burning dried moxa plant material near the skin to stimulate Qi (energy) flow and dispel pathogens.

This therapy takes its name from the herb Mugwort (known as moxa) which flourishes in China. The dried, processed leaves, when burned, produce a unique penetrating heat that is stimulating to the body. The smoke and smell from burning moxa will vary greatly depending on its quality and format.

One of my favorite Moxibustion treatments involves placing salt on the umbilicus, which is also an acupuncture point called Conception Vessel 8 or 'Spirit Deficiency'.  This point is forbidden to be needled but moxa cones (up to 31) can be applied depending on the patient's diagnosis.  This is a very nurturing treatment and ideal for patients who may present with cold symptoms, as in feeling cold physically.  It is also very effective for patients who may need some emotional "nurturing".   Sensations during moxibustion include a warm, relaxing flow of Qi throughout the treated area. Notably, moxibustion is recognized for helping turn breech presentations in pregnancy.  

Before treatment, it’s important to inform your practitioner about any allergies or heat sensitivity you may have.  Allergies may make you more sensitive to the smoke or health conditions can affect your perception/sensitivity to any heat on your skin.